IES Cristóbal Lozano
Estrategia europea para mejorar la enseñanza integrada
de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras
Job shadowing in Linz (Austria)
This activity is included in an Erasmus + KA1 Project called “European Strategy to improve CLIL” which has in total 21.423 € of EU funding in order to develop, during two years, seven individual training courses and seven visits of job shadowing.
The person responsible for organizing the activities of this visit has been Mr. Andreas Bärnthaler, Head of Department of CEBS in Linz and teacher of HTL Leonding.
The person who allowed me to find this excellent partner has been Mr. Rainer Krumhuber, Principal of HBLA fürKünstlerischeGestaltung (Linz), who participated with me and other European teachers in a former Study Visit in Naples (Italy) and who has completed my programme by visiting his school and with the pleasure of his companionship.
During the first three days, I was attending different classes in three different Vocational Schools and, the two last days I had the pleasure of participating in the 2nd Austrian CLIL Conference, organized in Linz by the CEBS and curated by Andreas Bärnthaler.