II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)

1st quarter 2020 National Activities
Selecting Participants 1/20
We have selected participating students using motivation letters. Teachers of the European team have assessed letters.
Making pairs 2/20
Taking into account students choices and preferences we have made pairs. These pairs are ready for activities in Twinspace and for visit Spain,
Welcome banner 3/20
Students of Arts from 4th year CSE have designed a coloured wall banner to receive our partners when arriving to our school.
Internat. Women's Day 3/20
Students of Dance Workshop prepared for International Women´s Day an activity to raise awareness about women's rights.
All students are part of the Project.The first 16 are arranged alphabetically and are selected for the mobilities.The following 6 are in order of priority and are reservations.

Lists of selected students and pairings are available in our Twinspace.

Meanwhile banner is hanging on European Classroom, which will be reference classroom for workshops with international groups

Video of this activityis availabe on our Twinspace.