II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)

Educational platform Papás 2.0
Papás 2.0 is the educational platform launched by the Counselling of Education, Culture and Sports in Castile-La Mancha in order to facilitate administrative management to citizens in different processes. It also allows a fluid communication between educational centres and families, offering access to real-time information to all agents of the educational community.
Papás 2.0 currently has three service modules, allowing each of them to perform a certain type of management:
The Virtual Secretariat facilitates citizen's electronic processing of applications and their follow-up, avoiding trips to educational centres or Provincial Education Offices.
Papás Communication allows families and educational teams to establish and maintain an agile exchange of information on the different aspects of educational management.
The Virtual Classroom offers teachers a space in which to interact with their students once outside the classroom and especially for distance learning courses.

Link to the document with information on Erasmus + projects addressed to all the families of the school.