II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)

October 9th, 2020. International online meeting
Last friday 9 October 2020 took place an international online meeting with participation of three national coordinators and other teachers involved in our project. Summary is the following:
Place: Zoom Platform
1. We are going to postpone our project up to a year so the first mobility in going to be in Spain, in April 2020 or October 2021 depends of Covid situation.
2. Additional recruitment of students for the project will be carried our till January 2021 (for schools in Spain and Italy, Poland already has done it). Then particapants will present their introduction videos on fb and Twin Space.
3. We have a new FB funpage for the project. In Poland there are three pupils resposible for it and one teacher (Patricia Lyzbicka). Request for Spain and Italy: find 2-3 students and one teacher in your school to be responsible for putting to FB your materials.
Here is the link for FB, please, give it to your school community.
Information for your students: In case of any problem with FB, contact our student, Oliwia Koziol, fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/groups/364288121385963/user/100013960476053
4. Erasmus Days:
15th of October – 10.30-11.00 a.m., Spain: quiz for spanish, italian and polish students
15th of October – 15.30 p.m. Italy – short presentation, saying “hallo” during on-line meeting;
The rest of the activities taking part in our schools we will be reported on TwinSpace and FB;
5. TwinSpace – Jesus is resposible for putting materials there. So we send all things to Jesus 😊
6. Logo – We’are making a competition for the best logo. First step – all schools make own competition and then put three best logos on FB. Second step - We are preparing voting for students.
Barbara is resposible for preparing short instructions for students how should it be prepared.
7. The next management meeting has been planned for the next month.