II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)


II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
We are a public high-school with 64 staff: 55 teachers and 612 pupils; (413 girls and 198 boys) in 22 different classes and faculties: Polish, history, social studies, biology, chemistry, maths, IT, physics, geography, English and Russian. 331 students of our school come from rural areas, some of them
are threatened by exclusion due to property status, family and social situation, difficult environment.
The project will allow equalize opportunities and create opportunities for comprehensive
development for all students and to counteract discrimination and social exclusion.

IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)
The IES Cristóbal Lozano is a Secondary and Post-Secondary Education public school which is dependent on the government of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha. It is located in Hellín, province of Albacete, south east of Spain. In the current school year 2019/2020 teaching is as follows: Compulsory Secondary Education (12 units, 360 students, aged 12-16), Post-Secondary
Education or Baccalaureate, students aged 17-18 (Humanities and Social Sciences: 3 units, 105 students; Science and Technology: 3 units, 105 students). Total students: 570. Teaching staff: 47. Non-teaching staff: 7

I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
The Istituto Superiore Statale Vincenzo Cardarelli is a secondary public school dependent located in La Spezia Liguria. Our school consists of: a vocational technical high school, an art high school, a music high school. Total students: 909. Teaching staff: 144. Non-teaching staff:35. We are a unique referring pole for arts and music in the region, promoting projects as concerts, performances,
installations collaborating with local institutions. Our motivation to join the project is being engaged to include foreign students because of the the last ten years migration flows increased rapidly in our city and our shool has been able to enroll foreign students coming from Morocco, Albania, South America
and China (current 8% at school). Most part of Italian students generally come from the middle class family.