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Virtual Students meeting June, 11th 2021

Last Friday 11 June 2021 took place the first virtual students meeting. Spanish participants were six students from 4 year of CSE (Inés Hernández, Ana Lencina, María Martínez, Álvaro Pozuelo, Cristina Valenciano y Lucía Yáñez) and two teachers Jesús González and Isabel Serrano) . Summary was the following:



Date: 11th June, 9.30-11.30 am, on Zoom platform.  The meeting was divided into 4 parts:


Introduction – the opportunity to say „hallo” to each other, presents our goals and make international groups (15 minutes).

First task – will be connected with looking for advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning and teaching. Groups are discussing and preparing together 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages to share with the rest. (15 minutes).


Story telling – Groups are writing a short common story about a virtual learning using indicated words (an example „loneliness”, „virus”, „muted”; (30 minutes).


Working with pictures – Groups gets funny pictures showing the scene of virtual learning and are commenting them by dialogues (15 minutes)


Linguistic puzzles – students are teaching each other difficult sentences it their native language. (15 minutes)



The meeting was conducted by Magdalena and Iwona.

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