II Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika (Poland)
I.S.S. Cardarelli (Italy)
IES Cristóbal Lozano (Spain)

Virtual Students meeting June, 11th 2021
Last Friday 11 June 2021 took place the first virtual students meeting. Spanish participants were six students from 4 year of CSE (Inés Hernández, Ana Lencina, María Martínez, Álvaro Pozuelo, Cristina Valenciano y Lucía Yáñez) and two teachers Jesús González and Isabel Serrano) . Summary was the following:
Date: 11th June, 9.30-11.30 am, on Zoom platform. The meeting was divided into 4 parts:
Introduction – the opportunity to say „hallo” to each other, presents our goals and make international groups (15 minutes).
First task – will be connected with looking for advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning and teaching. Groups are discussing and preparing together 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages to share with the rest. (15 minutes).
Story telling – Groups are writing a short common story about a virtual learning using indicated words (an example „loneliness”, „virus”, „muted”; (30 minutes).
Working with pictures – Groups gets funny pictures showing the scene of virtual learning and are commenting them by dialogues (15 minutes)
Linguistic puzzles – students are teaching each other difficult sentences it their native language. (15 minutes)
The meeting was conducted by Magdalena and Iwona.