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Transnational Cooperation Activity in Warsaw


From 11th to 15th October 2017 our European Programmes Coordinator had the great chance of participating in a TCA training event in Warsaw (Poland). This event was organized by the Polish National Erasmus + Agency along with other National agencies and gathered participants from five countries (Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden).

The aim of this Transnational Cooperation Activity was to provide participants with suitable training and to make contacts in order to prepare an excellent Erasmus + project (in particular a KA2 project or Strategic Partnership among schools).

As a result of this activity we were able to reach an agreement to apply for a KA2 Project with partners of the countries above mentioned. This agreement is based on the following points:

Theme: Inclusion, Multiculturalism.

Objectives: Raise awareness of the stereotyped attitudes towards different cultures and values between students (16-18) and teachers.

Increase intercultural understanding.

Promote the acceptance of diversity.

Increase critical thinking.

Improve the recognition of manipulation in the media.

Local Activities:

eTwinning / Twinspace

Presentation of schools, regions, cultures, research by Geert Hofstede

Reflective survey and discussion with students and teachers.

Share data collected online.

Integrated learning connected with the curricular objectives.

Continuous evaluations.

Teacher training.

Peer learning: integrated classes

Performances, exhibitions.

Activities on an international level:

1 Short-term staff training event (1 short term meeting for teacher training)

4 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils - workshops related to project objectives (4 short-term exchanges of student groups - workshops related to project objectives)


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